Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween at our House

My goodness Halloween this year was interesting!

Most times we go to my friend's house and the kids 'work' their street. 

This year I decided it was 

The Little Man (9) got all dressed up. We straightened his CURLY CURLY hair so he looked like a fright night creature, he donned his velveteen cape and hood. The Big Man (11) was too cool to dress up this year, so he and his mate, Hazza, went off trick or treating in civilian clothes. (He won't do that again! He didn't believe me that people wouldn't be impressed! but he believed THEM when they said "You haven't made much of an effort mate!" Tee hee... one point to Mum!)

My two nieces arrived to escort the motley crew around the streets,
dressed as none other than 

 Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

Off they all trotted at the very civilised hour of 5.15pm!
(So cute, it was still daylight!)

And then the stream began... 

approximately 50 little people knocked at my door, 
some with excited...
"Trick or Treeeeeeat?"

others with dull and monotonous
"Triiiick orrrr Treeeat?"

Those who sounded the happiest to be in my yard got the best lollies. 
Those who noticed Sydney (our resident skeleton) got extra again.
I told the children who cared that he was my husband...
some of them laughed.
Some of them didn't.
Some of them backed out of the gate never letting their eyes leave mine.... oops!

After about 90 minutes my babies burst through the door, 
talking ten to the dozen (what does that mean?) 
and heaving great big lumpy bags in their arms... oh dear! 

The Little Man goes straight to the cupboard, grabs the kitchen scales and starts weighing his loot. Imagine my surprise when he comes up with 650g!

650g of lollies!!!!


"Oh! Oh"" says The Big Man who is always better 
than The Little Man or trying to be, "Let me weigh mine!" 


I am shocked! So shocked! Completely shocked! Outraged even!
One kilo of lollies simply for walking the streets and 
having the gaul to walk up to a strangers door and ask for lollies? 
It is ludicrous! Absolutely, positively ludicrous! 

But of course, next year will come and I will do the same again 
and I will be shocked and horrified and entertained 
and love it all again until ...
of course...
 I try and get my gremlins into bed but the sugar rush has taken hold
 and they don't sleep for hours 
and hours 
and my patience is wearing thinner 
and thinner 
and I am starting to tear at my hair 
and my clothes and my skin...

Happy Halloween!

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